PCI Mid-Atlantic | Blog

Winning Strategies for Hiring Qualified Construction Pros

Written by Dawn Decker | May 14, 2024

If you ask many business owners and managers what keeps them up at night, employee recruitment and retention may be at the top of their list.

Kristen Dressler, President and Founder of Team Builder Recruiting, has perfected a formula for success in working with clients to meet their hiring needs. She often says, “Recruiting is like matchmaking but less romantic.” She believes that finding the right person for any position is more than just skills and education—a good hire will match the company's values, have the right aptitudes for the job, and fit with the team dynamics.

Kristen offers practical advice and suggestions to both sides—hiring managers and job seekers—to ensure the right candidate and company find a suitable match.

Here are three of our favorite highlights from her keynote presentation delivered at a recent PCI Mid-Atlantic Winter Meeting:

  1. Know What Candidates Are Looking for to Ensure You Have A Strong Pool Of Potential Hires

Reflect these insights in your marketing efforts to attract applicants. You should offer:

  • Better Pay
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Growth and Career Advancement Opportunities
  • Flexible Schedule/Hybrid Work Options
    (HINT: this can expand the geographic radius of applicants; remote or hybrid remote work will attract 3-4 times more job seekers)
  • Industry & Company Stability
  • Positive Team Environment
  • Good Values/Ethical Company
  1. Identify Your Targets

What will this person do? What type of person do I need? Ask yourself:

  • What does a typical day/week/month/year look like for this role?
  • How will I know they are successful? What are the metrics?
  • Do you have systems and processes in place to develop entry-level candidates?
  • What values or culture fit am I looking for?
  • What personality type(s) will do well in this role?
  • What relevant industries could I pull from?
  1. Market Your Job

A job description is not a job ad—they’re two different things. Your job ad needs to answer and consider:

  • “Why would someone want to work for us?”
  • “What makes this job exciting to this person?”
  • Be competitive – know what other employers are offering.
  • Write the ad with the CANDIDATE in mind.

The first sentence of your ad needs to be exciting and attract attention or have a hook. Consider that people look at ads on their phones or a small device/screen. Tell your story, pay attention to SEO, use bullet points, and advertise the position’s pay rate. Transparency goes a long way in modern hiring.

HINT: You’ll get double or triple the applicants if you include the pay range.


Click HERE to watch Kristen’s entire presentation and hear all her process-proven insights for hiring success.

About Team Builder Recruiting

Kristen Dressler has been involved in hiring and recruiting for over 15 years. She and the staff at Team Builder Recruiting have served over 250 growing businesses in their hiring efforts. Through partnering with her clients to fill everything from entry-level positions like administrative assistants and production workers to C-suite positions, including COOs and CFOs – Kristen has gained unique insights into how different businesses approach the hiring process. She's also able to observe what is important to different types of candidates. In bi-weekly meetings with her team, they discuss “What's the Beat on the Street,” where they share what candidates and employers are saying and what is changing in the labor market. This real-world experience provides the foundation for how she and her team consult with employers who are growing and need to build their teams.


To contact Kristen:

Website: Team Builder Recruiting, LLC:

Phone: (717) 455-3822

Email: Kristen@teambuilderrecruiting.com